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Skills for good health

Mindfulness, meditation, time management and more. These are the life skills that will keep you thriving long after you graduate.

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Mindfulness & meditation

Practise good mental health

While there are some differences between mindfulness and mediation there is very good evidence that both practices are useful in maintaining good mental health. Most importantly, do some research and find a practice that you are comfortable with so that you continue to use the practice which best suits you. Then, be patient and consistent with your routine – feeling the benefits may take some time.

There are many types of Mindfulness and Meditation.

Mindfulness is learning to train your attention to the present moment without dwelling on what has happened in the past or worrying about what might happen in the future. Mindfulness provides many physical and psychological benefits. Mindfulness can be developed over time with practice.

Benefits of mindfulness and meditation:

  • Reduce stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms
  • Increase resilience and peace of mind
  • Enhance cognitive performance eg. concentration, memory and processing speed
  • Improve study and work performance
  • Improve relationships and overall wellbeing


Mindfulness is learning how to be fully present and engaged in the present moment, becoming aware of your thoughts and feelings without distraction or judgment. Try this simple ‘leaves on a stream’ mindfulness exercise.

In any meditation or mindfulness practice you will find yourself distracted by thoughts about things which may be worrying you. It is natural that your mind will wander but part of the meditation / mindfulness practice is being aware of when this happens and being able to gently redirect your mind back to your mindfulness or meditation practice.

Studying your chosen course can be a very busy time and sometimes looking after your mental wellbeing doesn’t take priority. Any good routine should include time to do the things which you find enjoyable and relaxing.


Meditation comes in many forms. Some examples of meditation are:

  • Loving kindness meditation
  • Visualization meditation
  • Mantra meditation
  • Breath awareness meditation

Try a quick and easy mantra meditation – So hum meditation

Time management and procrastination

Stop procrastinating and learn to manage your time

Procrastination means: ‘to put off till tomorrow’. Procrastination can be characterised as a breakdown in our ability to regulate and organise our thoughts and efforts to achieve an important outcome for ourselves within reasonable time.

Procrastination often occurs when we perceive negativity or unpleasantness in aspects of an upcoming priority. Typically, we substitute a less important activity for the more important one. This pattern of delaying and postponing things can over time make us feel anxious and stressed.

What you think, will directly affect how you feel, which will directly affect what you do. Understanding between your thoughts, feelings and actions are important to overcoming procrastination.

You do have control over what you think, however it is important to acknowledge that it can be hard to ‘just change your thoughts’. Sometimes certain thoughts have been around for so long that you can feel like you have no control over them. Take time analyse your thoughts – write them down – sometimes people can get caught up in ‘thinking traps’ that affect how they view a situation. Here are some tips to examine the evidence of your thought and find a more ‘balanced’ view of the situation:

  • Stop avoiding
  • Estimate the time the task will take
  • Make lists
  • Give yourself reminders
  • Prepare study tools and eliminate distractions
  • Determine the best times of the day for study
  • Reward yourself
  • Organise support

Stay connected and join social events

Being social can improve your health

People with strong family or social connections are generally healthier than those who lack a support network. Make plans with supportive family members and friends, or seek out activities where you can meet new people, such as a club, class or support group.

Eynesbury ensures students who elect to study in Adelaide take full advantage of the opportunities that the city has to offer. Our focus is to provide all students assistance with the transition into Adelaide and provide greater integration with all local and international students.

Eynesbury arranges a broad range of activities for students both on and off campus to help them connect. Our BBQ’s and bushwalking activities are popular as they provide students with the opportunities to relax and meet others.

Study Adelaide organises many sporting and social activities for international students in Adelaide. Popular activities include; The Lord Mayor’s Welcome Party for International Students, Dundee’s Wildlife Park, Twenty20 Cricket and BBQ Lunch, Day Tours, Learn to Surf and free tickets to soccer and Australian Rules Football games.

Stress management

Find ways to cope with stressful times

Stress is part of everyday life, everyone experiences stressful times in their life. Stressful situations for international students may include meeting high academic demands, being in a new environment, living away from home for the first time, sitting exams, managing finances, finding a study/life balance.

Positive management of stress results in positive emotions such as enjoyment, satisfaction, enthusiasm and excitement.

Finding ways to increase coping resources will help students decrease the stressors that life will throw your way. Here are some practical tips:

  • Get a hobby or two
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat a balanced daily and avoid caffeine and alcohol
  • Learn and practice relaxation techniques
  • Use calming breathing techniques
  • Establish and make use of a good social network – talk with someone you can trust
  • Develop good study habits: study in short blocks take breaks
  • Remember to keep a balance between study and leisure
  • Practice positive thinking
  • Develop assertive behaviours – learn to say ‘no’ if you don’t want to do something

Useful mobile apps:

  • Smiling Mind A web and app-based program developed by psychologists and educators to help bring balance to people’s lives.
  • Insight Timer The most popular app in the World for Meditation, Sleep, Anxiety and Mindfulness
  • Calm: Designed for sleep, meditation and relaxation. A great mindfulness app for beginners and advanced users alike.
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