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Job search workshops

Get support to make your CV stand out. Gaining valuable work experience with a part-time or casual role while you study can help you land a job after your studies.

Improve your employability skills

Join our job search workshop

Gaining work experience, whether paid or volunteering, can improve your chances of finding employment after your studies. It can however be a challenge to create a CV, find a job as well as understand your work rights.

Eynesbury frequently organises Job Search and Volunteering Workshops that students can join for free. The workshops offer support on making your CV stand out and on applying for jobs in Australia. Make sure to check the student events and activities calendar for when these events are held.

The workshop will also make you familiar with the laws outlining what conditions and pay you are entitled to.

For more information on Australia work rights, visit the Fair Work website.

Before looking for a job, it’s important to consider how much time you will be able to commit to work without it interfering with your studies. If you are an international student, you must also adhere to the working hour limits attached to your student visa. This means knowing when your deadlines are and when to cut back on shifts.

We can help you guide you through choosing the right part-time employment while juggling your studies.

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